
EquatIO Canvas plug-in license expiring

Canvas有一个 内置的公式编辑器,支持直接LateX输入. The 密歇根州立大学丹佛 EquatIO plug-in for Canvas might stop working after the 2023-2024 year; discussions are ongoing regarding the status. This only applies to the institutional license 密歇根州立大学丹佛 held for Canvas; this does not apply to personal licenses.

Accessible documents from LaTeX



如果教授不能或没有准备好认识和解决残疾学生的需求, 结果是 如果学生无法获得进入STEM管道的机会, they are essentially invisible.”

公式和图像是化学和统计学等许多领域教学的重要组成部分. 使用微软方程编辑器或EquatIO等工具可以帮助残疾学生在科学和数学等领域崭露头角.


Making STEM Accessible: What Doesn't Work


  • Using plain text to write formulas or equations; a screen reader will attempt to read plain text equations as plain text
    • 相反:使用像MathJax和EquatIO这样的工具来包含将以可访问格式呈现的方程
  • Inserting equations or formulas in a PDF document; equations and formulas in PDFs cannot be rendered to an accessible format.
    • 相反:在Microsoft Word或Canvas中呈现方程式
  • Providing digital tools and resources with no alternative; STEM disciplines often utilize complex visual tools, 但这些工具需要额外的支持才能在数字环境中使用
    • 相反:为图表添加数据表,为更复杂的可视化工具添加触觉资源
  • Using color as the sole indicator; colors are not perceived in the same way by all and should be supported
    • 相反:使用模式和其他视觉线索来表明意思


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